Have you ever struggled to come up with a name for a child or a pet?  If so, you might understand my recent struggle to name my company.  For many years I used my first and last name as my business name, but when I decided to create a website, I wanted a name that clearly represented not only who I am, but also all the things that I do professionally.  I ended up creating a new word.  Yes, Carol Colvin, who rolled her eyes at parents who made up new and unusual names for their kids*, and who turns up her English-teacher nose annually at most of the new words added to Webster’s Dictionary, made up a word. 

Why Did I Name My Business UpBeing? 

My business is called UpBeing.  What on earth does that mean?  Let me explain.  I teach people how to let go of thoughts and habits and anything else that is holding them down and keeping them from leveling up to the life they really want.  I thought about using a phrase that had the word ‘up’ in it as my business name.  I found that there are over 50  words and phrases in the dictionary that contain the word ‘up.’ Some of them, which may become my titles to future articles or entire webinars, are ‘speak up,’ ‘grow up,’ ‘wake up,’ ‘step up,’ and ‘wise up.’  I considered many of these ‘up’ phrases as possible names for my business, but none of them, by itself, said everything I wanted my business name to say. 

UpBeing is About More than Doing Things Better; it’s About Being on a Higher Level

I do more than merely coach people to speak on a higher level or even to act and behave on a higher level.  I learned from raising three children 1that words and actions can be completely opposite what is going on inside the heart. Sure, the toys were all picked up and put in the proper bins, and when I thanked my children for cleaning up, they said, “You’re welcome, oh beautiful mother,” but inside they thought I was the meanest mom in the world and they were plotting how to get out of the next chore.  I want my clients to BE different after working with me.  I want them to exist on a higher level with their whole souls – masters of their thoughts and habits, in charge of their physical, mental, and emotional health.  I needed a new ‘up’ word or phrase that said all of that. 

I used “Way to BE” as a business name several years ago, and when I created that name I had it in my head that if everyone did things my way, they would be happy.  I actually almost called it “Carol’s Way” back then.  But now, after growing older and wiser, I know that my way of rising to a higher level in life won’t work for everyone. Each person’s purpose is different, and their passions and goals are different, too.  So, I dropped the ‘Way,’ but I still wanted to use the word ‘Be’ in my business name because of the power of the verb ‘to be.’  When we say “I am,” the word ‘am’ is like an equals sign in math.  Whatever follows it is what we are.  I wanted people to BE on a higher level in every way.  I tried ‘Be Up’ – too short, and also, beup.com looked awful.  Then I tried ‘Be High’ and ‘Be Higher,’ but I think you can guess why I tossed those ideas.  Then I looked up words with ‘being’ in them.  There aren’t many.  The one most people think of, and the one used by lots of health companies, is ‘well-being.’  Well-being is a good word, I thought, but it’s not an awesome word.  Well-being is defined as “a good or satisfactory condition of existence.” I don’t know about you, but that definition doesn’t knock MY socks off.

This is a long story, so I’m going to skip to the end.  I created the word ‘UpBeing.’ It means “a joyful, happy, high level, much-more-than-satisfactory condition of existence.” It’s a fabulous word.  I admit I still feel like I’ve sinned against the gods of the English language, and I am constantly on the lookout for a lightning bolt to hit me to punish me for my blasphemy, but it had to be done. 

I would be honored if you would take a look at my website and let me know what you think. And please visit me on Facebook and Instagram, and explore my Pinterest page here I hope you will find nuggets of wisdom on my pages that make you want to boost your UpBeing to a higher level in all areas of your life. 

*for some entertaining reading, check out the blog I wrote when I worked as a substitute school secretary here.

If you want to learn more about what I offer in my coaching programs, you can schedule a free consultation here. I would love to talk with you and help you imagine your much-more-than-satisfactory life, “up” on a higher level.