Natural Wellness with UpBeing & Your Essential Oil Lady

Find natural wellness products including supplements and essential oils, along with coaching and support to reach your wellness goals.

Focus on Natural Wellness 

Health and wellness are necessary to have a good, happy life. UpBeing provides a variety of resources and tools to help you achieve your health goals and improve your overall well-being.


Support Your Body's Natural Healing Abilities

Pure essential oils and natural supplements containing essential oils are powerful tools – gifts of the earth that support the body’s natural ability to protect itself, maintain body systems, and heal from illness and injury.

Support Healthy Emotions

Aromatherapy with essential oils is powerful in assisting us to release negative emotions and uplift the mood.

Understand & Discover What it Means For You to Be Healthy & Happy in Your Body

The combination of natural wellness tools with coaching and energy work allows UpBeing clients to discover the joy of physical, mental, and emotional wellness for a balanced, happy life.


Accept & Love Who You Are

Health and fitness begins with loving and accepting the body we have. UpBeing programs have been created to support you in honoring and caring for your body with a variety of tools paired with encouraging support and accountability.

What is Natural Wellness?

UpBeing clients are invited to explore the use of pure essential oils aromatically, topically, and internally in conjunction with coaching and energy healing programs. Essential oils are tools that empower clients to meet their health and wellness goals from a holistic perspective. If you are tired of struggling with your health and are ready to try something new, UpBeing can help!

Why focus on Natural wellness with Carol?

Everything Carol does in UpBeing has one goal – to help her clients let go of the things that are making them feel stuck, sad, and stressed, and make positive progress toward feeling lighter, happier, and more at peace.

Along the way, as she was studying life coaching and energy work, Carol came across dōTERRA essential oils. She researched them, used them with her family, and received training on how to help her clients use them to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Carol discovered that the principles of health and wellness are the same as everything else in life – as we let go of things (in our environment, our diet, and our lifestyle) that make us feel bad, and embrace better habits and safe, more natural products, we feel good!

Carol has been a wellness advocate with dōTERRA since 2011. She loves having essential oils, oil-infused supplements, and personal care products to support clients in their health and wellness goals.

Interested in essential oils? Shop Here >

What Should I Expect in Natural Wellness Work with Carol?

Carol will help you select oils to try for your specific health goals, she will teach you why and how essential oils work, and she will empower you to achieve your goals and improve your health with these natural options.

Steps to get started

Step 01:

Call to request free samples based on a current health need. Try them!

Step 02:

Learn more about essential oil usage by attending a free class or one-on-one session with Carol (live or online).

Step 03:

Choose your starter set of doTERRA products.

Step 04:

Have a Lifestyle Overview with Carol to establish a 90-day plan to address current wellness goals.

Step 05:

Receive ongoing support through participation in online communities and continuing education. 

Natural Wellness Packages Available

Service 1:

Discovery Consult & Samples – 20 Minutes


Service 2:

Online Virtual Essential Oil Basics Class – 45 to 60 Minutes


Service 3:

Wellness Consult with 90 Day Wellness Plan – 45 minutes

FREE for Carol’s doTERRA Team Members | $75 for Non-Members 

Service 4:

Digital Hand Scan and Consult – 30 minutes, doTERRA Members Only

$20 includes (3 oil samples)

$5 (no oils included)

Service 5:

UpBeing Health & Wellness 8-Week Coaching Program

$599 + Cost of Starter Kit You Select – ($105-$570, includes dōTERRA wholesale membership, oil reference book, and welcome goody bag)


Good Health Supports Your Happiness

FREE Discovery Consultation and Samples – 20 minutes

During this first session, Carol will review your top health goals and discuss with you the ways that a variety of essential oils and supplements can support you in those goals. This session includes up to three samples that will be mailed to you and a follow-up call with Carol to get your feedback and see if different samples are needed.

Schedule Your Session


Education is the Key to Empowerment

FREE Essential Oil Basics Class – 45-60 minutes

Carol is part of a fabulous group of wellness advocates who teach essential oil classes every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom. If you cannot attend the group class, you may choose to have Carol teach the class just for you! In the class, you will learn three really cool things about essential oils, three ways to use them, and how to purchase them at the best price. Carol will follow up with you after the class to help you select the products that meet your needs.


Create a 90-day Wellness Plan

Wellness Consultation, 45 minutes, FREE for Members

Carol will go over the products in the kit you selected and help you to set up a daily routine using those products to address your top health concerns. She will help you select additional products you will need in the next 90 days and will help you learn how to maximize your dōTERRA wholesale membership.

digital hand scan


Digital Hand Scan

Check-in for Targeted Support with a Digital Hand Scan and Consultation, $5 Without Samples, $20 With Samples –  doTERRA Members Only

Sometimes when we are experiencing discomfort or low energy, a check-in with the body’s energy system is in order. This digital hand scan utilizes the same technology as many other health and fitness measurement tools to identify which products resonate best with your body’s needs at the moment. During the session, Carol will do a quick hand scan and show you the products on your report. She will then show you the top uses for those products physically and emotionally. You may choose to purchase sample-size bottles of your top three oils.


Level Up Your Health

UpBeing Health & Wellness Coaching – 8 weeks of
1-Hour Sessions, $599 + *Cost of Starter Kit You Select

*Kit Prices Vary

This UpBeing program combines Carol’s life coaching expertise with her natural wellness expertise to give you full support to help you reach your fitness goals. This program includes a basic membership in dōTERRA, along with eight 1-hour coaching sessions on habits, speaking and thinking on a higher level, universal laws, and creating your ideal life vision narrative as it applies to your health. The cost of this program does not include the cost of your dōTERRA Starter Kit. It does include a FREE oil reference book to help you discover all of the ways dōTERRA products can benefit your wellness.

Contact us

Want to schedule a free consultation? Have a question or concern? Contact us here and we will respond as soon as possible. 

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10 a.m. to 4 p.m. PT


Puyallup, Washington